Institute for Biblical Holiness

Supernaturally Strengthened

Towards deeper intimacy with God

Growing towards deeper intimacy with God Cultivating a hunger and thirst for righteousness Growing towards spiritual maturity

Supernaturally Strengthened

“Now my beloved ones, I have saved these most important truths for last: Be supernaturally infused with strength through your life-union with the Lord Jesus. Stand victorious with the force of his explosive power flowing in and through you.” Ephesians 6:10 TPT

The passion version allows us to understand when we hear be strong in the Lord; this means to cultivate a relationship with God that will enable us to have imparted into us the strength necessary for the day or the circumstances.

So often we encounter difficulties and situations that overwhelm us and make us feel powerless and weak. The bible says we must stand in His strength. The question is, how do we stand in the power of the Lord? How do we embody the strength that we need to face the day and overcome the obstacles in our way?

The answer is being supernaturally infused, receiving Gods power, might and strength in a supernatural way, which is so essential to living a victorious Christian life. We have to realise that we have to connect to the vine, Jesus Christ. As we abide in Christ as we remain connected, then the overflowing of His life is released into our spirit man as we are endowed to live in the fullness He has made available to us.

Sometimes the most significant battle we encounter, the foundation of all warfare is remaining connected to God. Staying steadfast and consistent in our walk means we gain strength and courage. The enemy of our souls works hard to get us in a lifestyle of spiritual weakness and barrenness. Barrenness is evidence of being disconnected from the life flow that comes through cultivating the life flow from our union with Jesus.

Fanning the flame of our union with God is our spiritual lifeline; this is why amid the storms and busyness of life, there is a need to guard our hunger and thirst for His glory, presence and righteousness. Soul care and attentiveness in our walk with God is how we persevere connecting to our life-giving source Jesus in a love-filled union, despite the war to disconnect us. Worship, praying and digging deep into the Word is the way we plug 🔌 our spirit man into the life flow of Gods strength. That’s how strength rises as we seek Him in faith, knowing that He will turn up.

Dear Heavenly Father, I pray over us right now that we will fight the battles of all battles to remain, abide and dwell in union with you. That we will know without the overflow of your presence in our lives, we are weak and have no power and strength. Give us the grace to seek you consistently in a heartfelt way that keeps us in love and empowered to face what every day has in store for us. Lord give us the grace not to lean on our own strength that also fails. Give us the wisdom to know that often the emptiness and void we feel, the depression and oppression we face is just a fruit of our disconnection. It is merely evidence that our heart is lovesick, lost without you. Lord heal us and satisfy us with your presence. Help us make room for your strength to be seen in our lives.

Much Love in Christ,

Your Sister,

Ruth 😇🙏🏽❤️🔥
Pursuing Holiness

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Are you tired of being shallow in the things of God and desire a deeper intimacy with God? We desire to walk with you in our walk with God.