Institute for Biblical Holiness

Don’t Be Moved

Towards deeper intimacy with God

Growing towards deeper intimacy with God Cultivating a hunger and thirst for righteousness Growing towards spiritual maturity

Don’t Be Moved

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1

It’s easy to have faith in God when everything is going well and according to our expectation. That’s not faith, that is simply life. Because we are embracing and enjoy what we see. As the scripture says faith is believing the unseen, the unknown, what we dream about in relation to God’s promises that has yet to come to pass.

Faith is having joy and strength in the invisible and at times during great tension and transitions. It’s easy to have faith when you’ve got a good job, nice marriage, ministry is growing and going according to plan. It’s another thing having faith when there is no money in the bank and no food on the table and no Loved one around.

All too often during times of uncertainty and doubt we rest and start having faith in people or circumstances to see us through. We put our trust in princes. God is a jealous God and will more often than not use life experience to return our faith and trust in His invisible hand to make the day and see us through.

I’ve grown up with friends I’ve known through childhood and others that I’ve known along the way. My call is to love them, yet to trust God who is our source and hope. I just wanted to encourage you don’t be moved by storms or these temporary things that come to pass. But trust, put your hope in and depend on a loving God who has the ability to remain consistent and faithful through every storm.

I remember going through a battle where everything I believed in was challenged. Everyone and everything I trusted faded away. The only thing I had left was God. I held on to Him with everything I had and as time went on I realised when God is all you have, you realise in the end He is all you need.

Lord I pray we keep our eyes fixed on you and your Grace to see us through. I pray that you bring us to a place we’re we yield to your promises and leading. That we love one another, while we depend and trust wholly on your strength to bring your perfect will to pass in Jesus Name. Lord give us the Grace to believe the invisible and walk in the light of your word and promises,

In Jesus mighty name we pray,

Much love in Christ,

Your Sister,

Ruth ❤️
Pursuing Holiness TV

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